ROADVIEW 5th GA and Review Meeting successfully delivered

On April 29 and 30, the ROADVIEW project partners convened in Gothenburg, Sweden for the project’s 5th General Assembly (GA) and review meeting with the CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency. Hosted by RISE, the event gathered around thirty participants, representing the consortium’s fifteen project partners.

During the GA meeting, work package leaders presented the progress made within the ROADVIEW project. These presentations sparked constructive discussions that helped prioritise tasks for the upcoming months. Additionally, this meeting served as a valuable opportunity for partners to prepare for the review meeting scheduled for the following day, 30 April 2024.

During the review meeting, partners convened online with the Project Officer from the CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency, along with an expert in cooperative, connected, and automated mobility. In this session, work package leaders shared insights into ongoing project activities, engaging in valuable discussions with the project officer, while receiving insightful technical feedback from the appointed field expert.

The next consortium meeting is planned for September/October 2024 and will be hosted by the University of Warwick (WMG) in Warwick, United Kingdom.