
This deliverable is part of Work Package 2 – Physical system setup, use cases, requirements and standards. It provides initial ODD definitions covering the drivable areas developed in deliverable D2.2—urban (city) traffic, (multi-lane) highway, and (single-lane) rural road, with and without infrastructure extensions—given our knowledge in the early phases of the ROADVIEW project. Refinements that may be necessary during the project will be described in later project deliverables.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 2 – Physical system setup, use cases, requirements and standards. It presents a set of use cases with multiple scenarios based on the Operational Design Domain (ODD) taxonomy defined.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 3 – Validated sensor and sensor noise models for synthetic environments . It provides an important contribution to both the academic community and the ROADVIEW project by supporting the development of sensor models and denoising algorithms by leveraging annotated data taken with real sensors under adverse weather conditions in a controlled environment.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 3 – Validated sensor and sensor noise models for synthetic environments. The outcomes of this deliverable includes the publication of an open-source vehicle dynamics models and the parameters from the test vehicle from CARISSMA Institute of Automated Driving, as well as the definition of a methodology for the estimation of the vehicle dynamics parameters on different weather conditions. The algorithms and the parameters will be made available to the research community, supporting the virtualisation of automated driving testing. 

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 4 – Data logging and readiness. It provides a report on the quantitative evaluation of the ROADVIEW DRL method on public datasets using a limited feature size.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 5 – Robust perception system. It provides a first report on algorithms and SW developed to detect weather-related physical conditions (e.g., heavy rain, fog, slush and snow), free space detection, object detection and tracking, and adaptive sensor fusion.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 5 – Robust perception system. It provides a a first report on improving vehicle perception with sharing information provided by sensors from other connected vehicles or VRUs and roadside infrastructure.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 5 – Robust perception system. It positions performance of NDT, SE-NDT and EA-NDT is very similar in absolute position and orientation error.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 7 – X-in-the-Loop Test Environment. It provides a report defining how to test single components and integrated automated vehicle systems in virtual and real domains. It will consider specific uses-cases under extreme weather conditions.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 9 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation. It presents the ROADVIEW project website and describes its main objectives and structure, its technical implementation and the strategy for maintaining the website throughout the project’s duration and beyond its completion.

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This deliverable is part of Work Package 9 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation. The plan outlines key dissemination and communication activities aimed at maximising the impact of the ROADVIEW project.

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