About the webinar
This webinar is the third in a series on Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (CCAM). It brings together a diverse group of global experts in automated mobility to discuss the latest developments, key success factors, and challenges related to the perception of Automated Vehicles (AVs) in bad weather conditions.
The webinar is part of the ROADVIEW project, an EU-funded Horizon Europe Innovation Action aiming to develop robust and cost-efficient in-vehicle perception and decision-making systems for connected and automated vehicles with enhanced performance under harsh weather conditions and different traffic scenarios.
Webinar 3 programme
- Welcome & introduction; Eren Aksoy (HH)
- TBD; Sergio Fernandez (Valeo)
- Optical measurement of road grip and road surface conditions in front of the vehicle; Jyri Maanpää (FGI)
- Environment-Aware High-Definition Mapping method for Real-Time Positioning of an Autonomous Vehicle on the map; Petri Manninen (FGI)
- Open discussion; All speakers
Who should participate?
e.g. Academics; Researchers in the field of automated/autonomous driving; CCAM partnership.
Car Industry
e.g. OEMs; Car manufacturers (software & hardware platforms, sensing technologies, etc.); CCAM startups.
e.g. Municipalities; Competent Ministries; EU policymakers; Regulatory bodies; Standardisation bodies.